Thanks also go to the Flash team at Adobe (formerly Macromedia), to the Flash community, and to the readers of this book.
Scale type scaling 2nd lines Scene Editor scripted animation scrollbars scrolling text 2nd 3rd 4th seek buttons 2nd 3rd Selection tool attributes and cuves and line selection and Smooth modifying Straighten tool selections shapes sending data setInterval ( ) function setInterval( ) action setStyle( ) method settings shape hints 2nd 3rd shape tweens acceleration deceleration shapes bitmaps Complex drawing drawing no built-in tool painting selecting sharing content among movies 2nd single-frame images 2nd 3rd 4th single-select lists skewing Slide presentations 2nd back button forward button transitions slider controls 2nd 3rd 4th slideshows captions titles smoothing bitmaps smoothing lines 2nd soft keys sound adding 2nd animation synchronization 2nd compression 2nd 3rd effects Flash Lite formats importing updating source modifications looping out points playback button effects looping out points start/stop with buttons stopping all synchronization and animation 2nd spacing text spell checking Spiral tool Splat tool stars startDrag( ) method state dimensions 2nd static text ActionScript width static text ActionScript functions adding browser windows creating width Status bar stop( ) action stopAllSounds( ) function stopDrag( ) method straightening lines 2nd stretching fills strokes appearance effects style objects style properties backgroundColor styles borders 2nd buttons Caps checkboxes color 2nd 3rd components fonts 2nd radio buttons scrollbars text 2nd UI components applying to types 2nd buttons subscripting text Subselection tool superscripting text swapDepths( ) method SWFT format Swift 3D 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Animation timeline animations 2nd Extrustion Editor Gallery menu Hierarchy menu Lathe Editor Lighting trackball Preview and Export Editor Scene Editor Status bar Web Assistant Swift 3D Xpress extension 2nd 3rd symbols 2nd 3rd synchronization video and captions 2nd 3rd