You want to learn (or perhaps revisit) scripting techniques and syntax that are compatible with
Flash Lite.
Read the "Flash 4 ActionScript Primer" in the Flash 8 Professional help panel.
Tripod5G : - As has been discussed elsewhere,
Flash Lite 1.1 is based on the Flash 4 scripting engine. Unlike the current implementation of ActionScript, which is based on the same ECMAScript standard as JavaScript, Flash 4 ActionScript syntax strays significantly from other modern programming languages. Although not all Flash Lite projects require substantial amounts of code, it is worthwhile to review the excellent "Flash 4 ActionScript Primer" that is included in the Flash 8 Professional install. To view the tutorials, follow these steps:
Open Flash Help (Help Flash Help or F1). Navigate to Learning Flash Lite 1.x ActionScript Flash 4 ActionScript Primer.